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Dr Craig Barton

Dr Craig Barton

I'm Technical Manager and responsible for the operation of the Institute's field-based climate change facilities including CO2 /climate controlled whole tree chambers (WTC) and associated eucalypt plantation, a Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment in native woodland, Rain-out Shelters and an Eddy Covariance Flux site.

Prof Matthias Boer

Prof Matthias Boer

My research interest focuses on the landscape ecology and management of fire-prone environments. I am particularly interested in the biophysical basis for spatial variation in current and future fire regimes, and in the mechanisms and feedbacks by which fire may mediate, reinforce or constrain impacts of changing climate, [CO2] or land use on ecosystem functions and services such as regulation of water and carbon fluxes or biodiversity conservation.

Dr Yolima Carrillo

Dr Yolima Carrillo

I combine field and laboratory experiments to answer questions at the ecosystem level at the plant-soil-microbe interface. One area is rhizosphere mediation of soil organic matter dynamics, including decomposition and formation, as affected by climate change factors (including elevated CO2, warming and water stress). Another mechanisms of impact of water stress and water availability on carbon cycling, stoichiometric relations and microbial communities in soil and potential feedbacks to climate.

Dr Kristine Crous

Dr Kristine Crous

My research is focused on physiological mechanisms plants use to respond to global climate change factors, principally elevated CO2 and climate warming, but also the effect of nutrient availability (both nitrogen and phosphorus) on the CO2 response.

Prof David Ellsworth

Prof David Ellsworth

Tree Nutrition and Physiology; Global Change Biology; Ecological Physiology; Plant Physiology; Ecosystem Adaptation to Climate Change; Ecosystem Adaptation in Australia; Ecosystem Adaptation in the World; Forest and Woodland Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity

Assoc Prof Rachael Gallagher

Assoc Prof Rachael Gallagher

My primary interest is plant conservation, particularly under climate change. My main research areas are conservation biology, ecology, plant functional traits, biogeography, macroecology, species adaptation to climate change and global change biology.

Dr Vinod Kumar

Dr Vinod Kumar

Senior Technical Coordinator, Sustainability & Environmental Science,
Sustainability & Environmental Sciences TRTS.

Dr Catriona Macdonald

Dr Catriona Macdonald

My research is focused on understanding how environmental change impacts nutrient cycling and ecosystem functioning and how this affects productivity and sustainability of soils. Working across natural, agricultural and managed ecosystems, she aims to improve understanding of how factors such as climate change and land management impact microbial-mediated nutrient transformations, and how this feeds back to ecosystem functioning.

Mr Craig McNamara

Mr Craig McNamara

I am the Senior Engineering Technician at the EucFACE experiment. I am directly responsible for the maintenance and analysis of EucFACE operations as well as the maintenance of a wide range of environmental sensor systems and associated digital data collection devices at the field site. I also work as part of the remote sensing team at WSU, specifically with drone based LiDAR and hyperspectral imaging systems.

Dist Prof Belinda Medlyn

Dist Prof Belinda Medlyn

My research focuses on how plants, especially forests, respond to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate change. I work at the interface between experiments and models: my aim is to develop evidence-based models of how ecosystem productivity, water use and species composition will be affected by global change, and to do so I work closely with a number of experimental teams world-wide to test and improve ecosystem models.

Assoc Prof Ben Moore

Assoc Prof Ben Moore

My research focus on plant-animal interactions, chemical ecology and the causes and consequences of variation in plant chemistry. I am particularly interested in the chemical, nutritional and physiological ecology of Australian marsupials, like the koala, that feed on Eucalyptus. How is climate and landscape change altering the ecology of these interactions?

Assoc Prof Uffe Nielsen

Assoc Prof Uffe Nielsen

In a time where large-scale changes in land use and climate are impacting ecosystems across the globe it is essential for human well-being to acquire knowledge of the potential implications of these changes. For instance, species gains and losses, and changes in community composition, belowground due to climate changes can impact nutrient cycling, which may lead to changes in aboveground communities and potentially limit productivity of agricultural lands.

Prof Elise Pendall

Prof Elise Pendall

I`m a soil and ecosystem ecologist who investigates the responses of biogeochemical cycling to climate change and ecological disturbances. Key research questions investigate how climate change and ecological disturbances might impact carbon storage and water loss from these sensitive ecosystems.

Prof Jeff Powell

Prof Jeff Powell

I'm interested in the processes underlying the assembly of microbial communities and how these processes can be manipulated to achieve beneficial outcomes. A goal of my research is to understand the contributions of microbial biodiversity to the productivity of managed and natural systems and to how these systems respond to environmental change.

Prof Sally Power

Prof Sally Power

I'm an ecosystems ecologist whose research focuses on understanding the
mechanisms driving grassland responses to climate change and nutrient enrichment. My research explores how human activities affect processes at the leaf, plant and community level, and how these effects influence ecosystem function and sustainability.

Dist Prof International Peter Reich

Dist Prof International Peter Reich

My current research focuses on the effects of climate change, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, land use/management, fire and biotic invasion on health, biodiversity, function, and sustainability of forest and grassland ecosystems at local to global scales. Dist Prof Peter Reich is the former Chief Scientist of the HIE where he served in a scientific advisory and mentoring role.

Assoc Prof Markus Riegler

Assoc Prof Markus Riegler

My research focuses on the biology and diversity of arthropod symbionts, their role in insect adaptations to the environment and their application for the management of pest and vector species. I'm studying the microbial symbionts of Australian insects of ecological and economic importance, and establishing entomological research in the context of the Hawkesbury Forest Experiment.

Dr Paul Rymer

Dr Paul Rymer

My research focuses on the ecology and evolution of organisms in natural populations, in particular plant-animal interactions, mating patterns, hybridisation and local adaptation, and how these factors drive and erode species diversity. My research is applied to understanding the origin of biodiversity hotspots, the evolution of invasiveness, and adaptation to climate change.

Prof Ben Smith (Director of Research)

Prof Ben Smith (Director of Research)

I’m Director of Research of HIE, and chair of the EucFACE Scientific Committee. I’m an ecologist and ecosystem modeller. I’m interested in the role of the biosphere in regional and global climate dynamics, using Earth system models to examine biogeochemical and biophysical feedbacks of ecosystem change to the atmosphere. I’m developing models for exploring responses of vegetation and ecosystems to drivers such as climate change, rising CO2 concentrations and land use.

Assoc Prof Ricky Spencer

Assoc Prof Ricky Spencer

Dr Ricky Spencer is the head of WildLab and Senior Lecturer of Zoology at UWS. Ricky has spent 15 years actively working on vertebrate pests and major current projects include an ARC Linkage Project on the 'Turtle Crisis' in the Murray River. Ricky is also the manager of TurtleSAT and WomSAT, two community mapping Citizen Science projects.

Prof Mark Tjoelker (Associate Director)

Prof Mark Tjoelker (Associate Director)

I'm Associate Director of the HIE and science leader of the Hawkesbury Forest Experiment whole-tree chamber research facility. I'm a plant biologist and ecologist with expertise in the impacts of global environmental change on trees and forest ecosystems in natural and managed contexts. My research expertise includes climate change effects on respiration and carbon cycling, climatic adaptation in plant traits, plantation forestry, urban forestry and the biogeography of forest tree species.

Dr Lisa Bromfield

Dr Lisa Bromfield

My current experimental research project aims to provide a robust test of the POLS hypothesis in a wild population of house mice (Mus musculus). This will help answer a fundamental question in physiological ecology and increase our understanding of the ecological significance of variation in key behavioural, physiological and life-history traits.

Research fellows

Dr Anne Griebel

Dr Anne Griebel

I’m a tree physiologist with an interest in disturbance ecology. I’m passionate about unraveling the effects of heat and drought stress on tree health, ecosystem structure and function, and the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of carbon, water and energy. I am particularly intrigued by the trade-offs between carbon sequestration and water loss, interactions between mistletoes and their hosts, and how droughts and heatwaves influence the flammability of Australian ecosystems.

Dr Mingkai Jiang

Dr Mingkai Jiang

I’m a terrestrial ecosystem ecologist and an ecosystem modeler. I have a broad research interest in global change ecology, plant physiology, and plant-soil interaction. In my research, I use ecological theory, process-based mathematical models and manipulative experiments to study the impacts of global change on terrestrial ecosystems and the associated consequences for ecosystem services.

Dr Assaf Inbar

Dr Assaf Inbar

I'm an ecosystem modeller and working as part of a team with developing a new community dynamic vegetation model for Australia (Dynamics of Australian Vegetation - DAVE). I have vast knowledge and experience in fire-related ecological, hydrological and geomorphological processes, especially in the South-eastern Australian perspective.

Postgraduate students

PhD Candidate Erin Rogers

PhD Candidate Erin Rogers

I have a Bachelor of Environmental Biology (University of Technology, Sydney) and was awarded the Dean’s Merit List for Academic Excellence (2019, 2020). I'm currently studying a Master of Research in Plant Ecophysiology at HIE. I have worked at EucFACE, Australia’s largest climate change facility, where I assisted with data collection investigating how Australia’s mature forests will cope under elevated CO2 conditions. I'm passionate about our native flora and loves being a part of an enthusiastic and encouraging team that supports Australia’s remaining native bushlands.

PhD Candidate Klaske van Wijngarden

PhD Candidate Klaske van Wijngarden

Postgraduate researcher. PhD student at Western Sydney University & University of Birmingham. Researching woody carbon dynamics in mature forest stands under elevated CO2 levels at two Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiments in the UK and Australia. Forest Edge Doctoral Scholarship Program.

PhD Candidate Simin Rahmani

PhD Candidate Simin Rahmani

I received my Master of Environmental Biology from University of Wollongong (UOW) in 2018. I studied the pollution level from bushfire smoke plumes. I started working as a research assistant in UOW and Western Sydney University where I collected field data, did laboratory works and statistical analysis to examine effects of drought and fire on forest mortality and recovery. After that, I started my PhD in the field of fire ecology at WSU in 2021. My research focuse on drought and fire integration and their effect on tree mortality and recruitment.


Dr David Wårlind

Dr David Wårlind

I'm a researcher at Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science. Lund University, Sweden. I'm an ecosystem modeller working with the DGVM LPJ-GUESS and ESM EC-Earth. My main interest is in how to represent nutrient cycles and the soil system in ecosystem models to better understand the atmosphere–vegetation–soil interactions in a climate change context.

Prof Anja Rammig

Prof Anja Rammig

Professor for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions at Technischen Universität München. Collaborator in the ARC project "Mechanistic responses of phosphorus-limited forests to CO2 enrichment".