Listed below are the details of all projects, past and ongoing, undertaken at the EucFACE facility.
P0010 | Sally Power | | Ellen Fry, Shun Hasegawa | Pilot study to investigate spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil chemistry using ion exchange strips |
P0019 | Oula Ghannoum | | Robert Sharwood, Paul Rymer | Impact of environmental change on photosynthetic biochemistry and gene expression of eucalypts and understory species |
P0011 | Uffe Nielsen | | Jeff Powell, Samantha Prior, Brendan Delroy | Belowground impacts of P-fertilization in Cumberland Plain Woodlands |
P0020 | David Ellsworth | | Kristine Crous | Woodland response to elevated CO2 in FACE: Does phosphorus limit the sink for C? |
P0018 | David Ellsworth | | Teresa Gimeno, David Tissue, Tony O’Grady, Tim McVicar | What will be the hydrological consequences of elevated CO2? An experimental test of the impacts of elevated CO2 on evapotranspiration in mature Australian woodland. |
P0012 | Ben Moore | | Ricky Spencer | How will elevated CO2 affect the timing, duration and quality of nectar production in E. tereticornis, and what will be the consequences for nectarivores? |
P0013 | Ben Moore | | Markus Riegler, Scott Johnson | How will elevated CO2 affect the nutritional and secondary chemical quality of eucalypt foliage for marsupial folivores? |
Ben Moore | How will elevated CO2 affect the rate and quality of sap flow, and what will be the consequences for exudivorous marsupials? | |||
Ben Moore | How will marsupial folivores respond to elevated CO2-induced changes in foliar nutrition, secondary chemistry and leaf phenology? | |||
P0014 | Jeff Powell, | | Barbara Drigo, Uffe Nielsen, Sally Power, Brajesh Singh, Catriona Macdonald, Ian Anderson, Sara Hortal Botifoll | Belowground impacts of elevated CO2 in Cumberland Plain Woodland |
P0015 | Paul Rymer | | Vegetative and sexual reproduction in EucFACE | |
P0016 | Markus Riegler | | Aidan Hall | Analysis of the microbiome associated with Australian Psylloidea using 454-pyrosequencing |
P0017 | Andrew Gherlenda | | Markus Riegler, Scott Johnson | CO2 mediated effects on frass dynamics as proxy for insect herbivore abundance and alterations in short term nutrient cycling within a mature eucalypt forest |
P0023 | Sally Power | | Ellen Fry, Shun Hasegawa | How does elevated CO2 affect the availability and economy of soil nutrients? |
P0024 | Sally Power | | Lydia Toy | Determining plant traits of understory herbaceous species found in a Eucalyptus woodland along a soil moisture gradient |
P0025 | David Drew | | David Ellsworth, Pat Mitchell | Short term growth responses to varying environmental conditions, and associated wood property variation under elevated [CO2] |
P0026 | Catriona Macdonald | | Sally Powe, Shun Hasegawa | Does elevated CO2 stimulate rates of N and P mineralisation, nitrification and free-living N2-fixation in a Eucalyptus woodland and alter associated microbial community structure? |
P0027 | Brajesh Singh | | Dr Loc Nazaries,Ms Catarina Martins | How does elevated CO2 influence the net fluxes of CH4 and N2O in an Eucalyptus woodland and alter associated microbial community structure? |
P0028 | Matthias Boer, | | Oula Ghannoum | Using multispectral stereo imaging to determine the impacts of free air CO2 enrichment on grassy understory vegetation in Cumberland Plain woodland. |
P0029 | Sally Power, | | SPaul Rymer, Matthias Boer, Shun Hasegawa, Tony Haigh | Impacts of elevated CO2 on understorey plant community composition and dynamics |
P0030 | Uffe Nielsen, | | Ben Moore, Sally Power, Jeff Powell | Impacts of elevated CO2 on litter decomposition in Cumberland Plain Woodlands |
P0031 | John Drake | | Mark Tjoelker, Peter Reich, Brajesh Singh, Ian Anderson, Catriona Macdonald | Soil respiration under elevated [CO2] at EucFACE |
P0032 | John Drake | | Mark Tjoelker, Peter Reich, Brajesh Singh, Ian Anderson, Catriona Macdonald | Following the ÒnewÓ carbon belowground: isotopic tracing of the fumigation gas at EucFACE |
P0019 | Kristine Crous | | Addendum to P0019 | |
P0034 | Brendan Choat | | David Ellsworth, Teresa Gimeno, Sebastian Pfautsch, Stefan Arndt, Gregor Sanders | Impact of elevated CO2 on xylem structure and hydraulic traits in a Eucalyptus woodland. |
P0035 | David Ellsworth | | Phosphorus addition enhances photosynthesis and growth of E. tereticornis. | |
P0037 | Remko Duursma | | Teresa Gimeno, Matthias Boer, Darius Culvenor, Glenn Newnham,Craig Barton, David Ellsworth | Structure of the EucFACE canopy: laser scanning, hemispherical photography, and modelling. |
P0038 | Kara Youngentob | | David Ellsworth, Alex Held, Tim McVicar, Guy Byrne, Ben Moore, Kristine Crous, Teresa Gimeno | Hyperspectral remote sensing of canopy chemistry in elevated CO2 |
P0039 | Peter Reich, Kristine Crous | | David Ellsworth, Mark Tjoelker, Ben Moore, Paul Rymer | Does increased C supply increase leaf life span? |
P0040 | Andrew Gherlenda, Markus Riegler |; | Scott Johnson, Tony Haigh, Ben Moore | Leaf consumption and damage of eucalypt feeding insects under elevated CO2 |
P0041 | Brad Oberle | | Amy Zanne, Brendan Choat, Peter Reich, Jeff Powell | When a tree doesnÕt fall in the forest (at least for awhile): Alternative pathways for wood decay |
P0028 | Matthias Boer | | Addendum to P0028 | |
P0044 | Ulo Niinemets | | David Ellsworth | Biogenic trace C emissions of volatiles from leaves of trees in eastern Australia |
P0045 | David Ellsworth | | Cesar Terrer, Catherine Beattie | Long-term tree diameter measurements for tree growth at EucFACE |
P0046 | Belinda Medlyn | | Martin De Kauwe, Sonke Zahele, Anthony Walker, Remko Duursma | Understanding how native Australian vegetation will respond to elevated CO2 treatment – a model-data intercomparison. |
P0047 | Teresa Gimeno | | David Ellsworth, David Tissue, Craig Barton, Tim McVicar, Anthony O’Grady, Lu Zhang | Monitoring groundwater levels in a native old-growth Cumberland plain forest (Addendum to P0018) |
P0043 | Scott Johnson | | Sarah Facey, Prof David Ellsworth | The effects of elevated CO2 on the architecture of a native Australian shrub and its tri-trophic interactions |
Dr. Remko Duursma | ||||
P0048 | Jeff Powel | | Ian Anderso, Jen Walker, Matthias Rillig | Switching partners: a driving force for tree productivity in a changing environment? |
P0050 | Matthias Boer | | David Ellsworth , Victor Resco De Dios Ross Bradstock | ÒWhen fire and water mix: Do CO2-related water savings drive woody thickening and fire dynamics in a grassy woodland?Ó and “Measurement of shrub plantings as a direct test of the woody thickening hypothesisÓ |
P0051 | Scott Johnson | | Sarah Facey, David Ellsworth, Lisa Bromfield, Markus Riegler, Uffe Nielsen | Measuring flying and understory invertebrate abundance and diversity in ambient and enriched CO2 conditions |
P0052 | Sally Power | | John Drake, Mark Tjoelker, Ral Ochoa Hueso, Shun Hasegawa | Impacts of elevated CO2 on the production and biomass of fine roots, and soil P cycling |
P0053 | Not Approved | |||
P0054 | Brajesh Singh | | Catriona Macdonald, John Drake, Pete Millard, Landcare, NZ, Andy Midwood (JHI, UK), Kirsten Hannam (Canada) | Differentiating response of autrotrophic and heterotrophic respiration under elevated CO2 treatments |
P0055 | Teresa Gimeno | | Adam Webeck; David Ellsworth | Interactive effects of nutrient limitation and climatic variability on the growth and phenology of mature eucalypt trees |
P0056 | Owen Atkin | | Lingling Zhu; Lucy Hayes; Jack Egerton; Danielle Creek ; Brendan Choat | Baseline TERN Supersite plant physiological measurements |
P0057 | Petre Franks | | Stomatal size and density response in a Eucalyptus canopy exposed to elevated CO2 | |
P0058 | Rebecca Montgomery | | David Ellsworth; Mark Tjoelker | The role of leaf carbohydrate status in the regulation of carbon metabolism in leaves |
P0059 | Elise Pendall | | Pushpinder Matta | Monitoring CO2 and CH4 concentration and isotopic composition in a Eucalyptus teriticornis canopy |
P0060 | Justin Welbergen | | Jasmine Magee | Effects of C02 enrichment on Cumberland Plain Woodland avifauna |
P0061 | David Ellsworth | | Dr Oula Ghannoum; Dr Kristine Crous; Ms. Varsha Pathare | Seasonal photosynthesis and biomass of the Cumberland plain woodland understorey species under elevated CO2 |
P0062 | Catriona Macdonald | | Raul Ochoa Hueso; Teresa Gimeno; Manuel Delgado Baquerizo | Determining the contribution of lichen and cyanobacterial communities, and of stem flow and through flow, to nutrient cycling in Cumberland Plain woodland and responses to elevated CO2. |
P0063 | Louise Andresen | | Tobias Rutting; Catriona Macdonald; John Drake | Effects from elevated CO2 on flux and abundance of free amino acid in soil via depolymerisation and root exudation. |
P0064 | Kristine Crous | | Mark Tjoelker; John Drake; Mike Aspinwall; Owen Atkin | Does elevated CO2 influence the temperature sensitivity of leaf respiration? |
P0065 | James Cook | | Sally Power | Dynamics of an obligate plant / pollinator mutualism under climate change |
P0066 | Jen Walker | | Jeff Powell, Elliot Jones | Positive feedback: are the potential nutrient acquisition abilities of ectomycorrhizal fungi increased under elevated CO2? |
P0067 | Andrew Gherlenda | | Markus Riegler; Lluvia Flores Renteria | Nutritional modification of eucalypt leaves by psyllids under different nymphal densities and CO2 treatments |
P0068 | Manuel Delgado Baquerizo | | Raul Ochoa-Hueso; Peter B. Reich, Sally Power; Brajesh K. Singh | How does soil biotic legacy from multiple global change impacts influence the resistance of ecosystem multifunctionality to increases in temperature |
P0069 | Kristine Crous | | Mark Tjoelker; Owen Atkin | Seasonal responses of leaf respiration to long-term elevated CO2 in EucFACE. |
P0070 | Judith de jager | | Sally Power | Is microbial respiration in EucFACE soil limited by phosphorus? |
P0071 | Wouter H. Maes | | David Ellswoth; Teresa Gimeno; Alfredo Huete(UTS); Kathy Steppe (Ghent Uni Belgium) | Acquiring high resolution maps of water use efficiency of Australian forests |
P0072 | Jeff Powell, | | Jason Reynolds; Burhan Amiji | Describing soil type across the EucFACE site |
P0073 | Brendan Choat | | Jen Peters; Markus Nolf | Assessing vulnerability of Australian forests to drought |
P0074 | Yolima Carrillo | | Laura Castaneda Gomez | Mycorrhizae-mediated mechanisms for soil organic matter decomposition under elevated CO2 |
P0075 | Prof. Ross Bradstock | | Robert Sawyer; Matthias M. Boer; Luke Collins | Assessment of flammability by analysis of leaf combustion characteristics and fire behaviour Ð Task 4 of ARCD 130102576 |
P0076 | Remko Duursma | | none | Does elevated CO2 increase leaf temperature? Analysis of infrared thermometer data |
P0077 | Christopher Turbill | | none | Environmental and seasonal effects on activity of insectivorous bats |
P0078 | Belinda Medlyn | | Sebastian Pfautsch, Remko Duursma, David Ellsworth, John Drake, Mike Aspinwall, David Tissue, Craig Barton | Does exposure to elevated CO2 facilitate recovery from severe defoliation by herbivores? |
P0079 | David Ellsworth | | Yolima Carrillo; Kristine Crous | Testing the stoichiometric plasticity of C and N and P in tree stems in elevated CO2 at EucFACE |
P0080 | Uffe Nielson | | Ben Moore, Sally Power, Jeff Powell | Evaluating plant- and environmental- drivers of litter decomposition responses to elevated CO2 in a Cumberland Plain Woodland |
P0081 | Elise Pendall | | Alexis Renchon | Monitoring CO2, CH4 and water fluxes below a Eucalyptus teriticornis canopy |
P0082 | Katerina Sam | | Vojtech Novotny , James Cook | Latitudinal patterns in herbivore performance and herbivory in hostile and enemy-free space: the struggle for safety |
P0083 | Juan Pieiro Nevado | | Sally Power; Raul Ochoa Hueso , Manuel Delgado Baquerizo | Fine root decomposition at the EucFACE experiment |